

您的位置:首頁 學(xué)歷類成考(專升本) → 2023年10月13日成考專升本每日一練《英語》


2023/10/13 作者:匿名 來源:本站整理



1、______ I accept the gift or refuse it is none of your business.  

  • A:If  
  • B:Whether  
  • C:Even if  
  • D:No matter when  

答 案:B

解 析:分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,is前面為主語從句。even if和no matter when引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句,不能引導(dǎo)名詞性 從句,所以可首先排除選項C、D。if和whether都可以引導(dǎo)主語從句,意為“是否”,但if引導(dǎo)的主語從句不能位于句首,所以也可排除選項A。故選B。

2、Either my parents or my elder brother ______ going to water the garden.  

  • A:are  
  • B:is  
  • C:has  
  • D:have  

答 案:B

解 析:當(dāng)either...or...連接兩個并列主語時,謂語動詞的單復(fù)數(shù)形式應(yīng)與or后面的主語保持一致。本句中以后面的主語為my elder brother,所以謂語動詞應(yīng)用單數(shù)形式?!癮m/is/are going to+動詞原形"常表示主觀打算做某事。故選B。

3、Newspapers, magazines, televisions and computers all fight to()our attention.

  • A:hold
  • B:bring
  • C:carry
  • D:pull

答 案:A

解 析:句意:報紙、雜志、電視和電腦都在竭力吸引我們的注意力。hold意為“抓住” ,hold one's attention 為固定短語,意為“吸引某人的注意力”,故選A。

4、She was so________in her job that she didn't hear anybody knocking at the door.

  • A:attracted
  • B:absorbed
  • C:drawn
  • D:concentrated

答 案:B

解 析:句意:地工作如此專心以至于沒有聽到有人敲門。be absorbed in為固定搭配、意為“專心致志做某事”。A、C、D三項均與句子構(gòu)不成搭配。


1、你(Li Yuan)組織同學(xué)進行了一次燒烤野餐(barbecue)。請給你的英國朋友Tim寫一封電子郵件,內(nèi)容包括:

答 案:略

解 析:寫作評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)1.評分原則: (1)本題總分為25分,分五檔給分。 (2)評分時,先根據(jù)文章的內(nèi)容和語言確定其所屬檔次,然后根據(jù)該檔次的具體要求給分。(3)納入第五檔次的作文應(yīng)取得至少兩位閱卷教師的認可。 (4)字數(shù)不足100或超出120的,酌情扣1分~2分。 (5)拼寫與標(biāo)點符號的準(zhǔn)確性視其對表達的影響程度予以評分。英、美式拼寫均可。 (6)如書寫較差,以至影響表達,將分數(shù)降低一個檔次。 2.評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn): 英語(專升本),歷年真題,2017年成人高等考試《專升本英語》真題

2、新學(xué)期伊始,你們班準(zhǔn)備組織一場迎新晚會,讓同學(xué)們熟悉起來。你(Li Yuan)打算邀請外教(Tim)來參加迎新晚會。請給他寫一封e—mail,內(nèi)容包括:

答 案:范文 Dear Tim, It"s really exciting that the new semesterbegins. We plan to organize a welcome party next Monday to help everyone canhave an opportunity to communicate with each other and strengthen their emotionalconnections. We sincerely invite you attend the party. The party will last for two hours. Theagenda includes: opening introduction, presidents speech programperformance, excellent freshmanspeaking, and teacherrepresentative"s speech. Can we inviteyou to make a short speech at the party We are looking forward to your arrival. Yours, Li Yua

3、Do you have access to the Internet?

答 案:你能上網(wǎng)嗎?

4、The doctor is very patient with his patients.

答 案:這個醫(yī)生對他的病人很有耐心。


1、你是王剛(Wang Gang),寫一封給朋友李明(Li Ming)的祝賀信,祝賀他獲得復(fù)旦大學(xué)計算機科學(xué)碩士學(xué)位,并祝他今后在學(xué)習(xí)和研究方面取得成功。

答 案:Dear Li Ming,  I am delighted to learn that you have received your Master's degree in Computer Science from Fudan University.I write to congratulate you on your success. We have good reason to feel proud of you. We know your degree of Master of Computer Science means diligent study and hard work. As your best friend, I have followed your progress with pleasure and interest. I can imagine how satisfied your parents are at this moment. As I understand, you will continue studies in America soon.I wish you great success in your studies and research work.
  ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Yours,
 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Wang Gang

2、你(Li Yuan)是班長, 準(zhǔn)備周末組織全班同學(xué)參觀歷史博物館(the Museum of History)。請根據(jù)以下提示寫一個通知:·周六上午8點全班在校門口集合,乘公共汽車前往;·參觀時,要認真聽講并記錄重要內(nèi)容;·遵守參觀規(guī)定,如:館內(nèi)不得喧嘩、拍照,勿帶食品飲料入館;·下周五之前交一份參觀報告。

答 案:Fellow students,   We are going to visit the Science Museum tomorrow. We will meet at the school gate at eight in the morning and we will go there on foot. Take your pens and notebooks with you. We should listen and watch carefully and write down something interesting when you visit the museum. Please don't make any noise in the museum and don't take any pictures. You will have to hand in a report about the visit next Monday.   Thank you.




